We offer 3 programs to meet your needs on this journey. Over the next few months we will be upgrading our videos and adding more amazing resources! (Current programs will automatically update and everyone will always have lifetime access. Don't wait! Purchase today!

Getting Ready for Grief since 2015


    Get Ready for Grief Program and Supporting Workbook Why Should We Get Ready For Grief?

    Bonuses and Resources

  • PLUS

    Get Ready for Grief Program and Supporting Workbook Why Should We Get Ready For Grief?

    Bonuses and Resources

    Access to our Private Community -- live monthly Q&As with Yvonne

    One personalized paperback copy of the Love Your Life to Death book

    20 #IJustShowedUp bracelets


    Get Ready for Grief Program and Supporting Workbook Why Should We Get Ready For Grief?

    Bonuses and Resources

    Access to our Private Community -- live monthly Q&As with Yvonne

    Twenty personalized paperback copies of the Love Your Life to Death book

    50 #IJustShowedUp bracelets

    Twelve 1 hour private calls with Yvonne

    Unlimited email access to Yvonne between calls

    Limited to 5 Clients

Transformation is possible. How?

  • Talking about, planning and preparing for grief BEFORE it arrives will help to develop coping skills and strategies to navigate through it. Creating a soft landing and your village too.

  • Learning how to Just Show Up for others, in good times and in bad times too, without suffering excessively, compassion fatigue or burning out.

  • Implementing self-care at a deeper level. Learn how to Just Show Up for Yourself First and understand how you are being of disservice by not doing so.

What they're saying...

Lee Atherton

5 star rating

“I absolutely love Yvonne's perspective and way of presenting what for many is a difficult subject. The resources add depth to what she shares.”

“I absolutely love Yvonne's perspective and way of presenting what for many is a difficult subject. The resources add depth to what she shares.”

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Christopher Daniel

5 star rating

“It has made to me ponder on lot of things in terms of death and dying. I really loved the compassion part and not expecting anything in return but JUST SHOW UP and do what I can. ”

“It has made to me ponder on lot of things in terms of death and dying. I really loved the compassion part and not expecting anything in return but JUST SHOW UP and do what I can. ”

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Final Word

5 star rating

“I am biased, have always loved Yvonne's delivery; her openness, honesty and warmth shines”

“I am biased, have always loved Yvonne's delivery; her openness, honesty and warmth shines”

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Cheyanne Daniels

5 star rating

“This course really prepared me to handle grief and approach it in an empowered way. I feel confident discussing this topic with family and friends and I'm no longer worried to say the wrong thing. This course has improved my outlook on death and h...”

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“This course really prepared me to handle grief and approach it in an empowered way. I feel confident discussing this topic with family and friends and I'm no longer worried to say the wrong thing. This course has improved my outlook on death and has made me feel empowered. ”

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Carina Vain

5 star rating

“Thank you Yvonne very much, you literally opened my eyes to a subject I refused to look at and talk about. Being a very sensitive person, I didn't initially believe this course was for me, but boy, how wrong I was ! That's exactly what I needed. ...”

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“Thank you Yvonne very much, you literally opened my eyes to a subject I refused to look at and talk about. Being a very sensitive person, I didn't initially believe this course was for me, but boy, how wrong I was ! That's exactly what I needed. Thank you again! ”

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Renee Jarvis

4 star rating

“Overall rating is a 5 star. Course was very interactive and helpful. Loved the videos, resources and workbook exercises. Thank you Yvonne for your very uplifting approach to a very difficult topic!”

“Overall rating is a 5 star. Course was very interactive and helpful. Loved the videos, resources and workbook exercises. Thank you Yvonne for your very uplifting approach to a very difficult topic!”

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What is Get Ready for Grief?

  • Proven principles to live by based on years of nursing experience, research and input from hundreds of people I’ve interviewed.

  • Information on how to be more empowered and resilient in life, grief and death.

  • Guidance on how to #JustShowUp for yourself and others in grief, crisis, life’s challenges or on those really hard days.

  • Learning skills for creating more happiness and less stress in your life.

Who is this for?

  • Professionals, volunteers, change makers and individuals who wish to be more empowered and resilient in life, grief and death.

  • Those who wish to teach others to be more empowered and resilient in life, grief and death.

  • Individuals who wish to be more empowered and resilient in life, grief and death as they support others or want to create change in their lives.

Together we can do this. We can be more empowered, resilient and happy.

We invite you to Get Ready For Grief today!

The time is now.

Here's what's inside the Get Ready For Grief Program...


    The best time to talk about, plan and prepare for grief, transitions and end of life is when we are young and healthy. The Next Best Time is Now!

    The majority of people—professionals and community members—are ill-prepared, fearful and in denial and avoid preparing for grief and end of life. This often creates excessive suffering throughout life. It is time for change and to normalize these conversations, take responsibility and diffuse our fears. We can do this, and suffer less. It starts with you! It can start today!


    It Takes a Village—a Compassionate Community—to support those who are ill, caregiving, dying, bereaved or marginalized. To take care of each other… No. Matter. What.

    In a world of 7 billion people, many are lonely, isolated or feel they must “do it alone.” This mindset compounds our suffering, mental health issues and unhappiness. Professionals cannot do it all! It’s time to get back to community where we feel supported, loved, connected and have a sense of real belonging. Let’s talk about your village. Are there too many toxic people in it? Not enough cheerleaders? Let’s explore and create change where it is needed.


    When someone is grieving or struggling and you don’t know what to say or do… Just Show Up!

    We are a compassionate society, but when someone is grieving, in crisis, or face life’s challenges, we are afraid to do or say the wrong thing so we often avoid. We do not feel qualified. We “leave it to the experts.” It’s time for change. In grief, we need our whole village. Learn how you can truly make a difference with the simplest acts of kindness. Get out of your own way.


    To be a part of your Compassionate Community and Just Show Up for others, you must… Show Up For Yourself First!

    It’s time to fire the martyr. No more badges of honour for putting everyone else first. No more suffering in silos of silence and isolation. No more pretending we are strong, resilient, ok… when we’re not. We have become a society of quick fixes and celebrating independence, to our great demise. Let’s do it differently, before it’s too late!


    Structure Your Life in such a way that you are self-reliant. And so are the people surrounding you.

    Have you done everything for your children so when they go off to college they are terrified and incompetent? Do you leave long lists for your family when you’re not home so they can function? Are you attached to your phone when you’re away from the office so you can address any issues? Do you wonder why you feel burned out, exhausted, overwhelmed and unhappy? I don’t. Let’s talk!


    Find your Post—something you can turn to anytime, anywhere. Whenever you need it. And hold onto it.

    Having your village and those who will Just Show Up for you is so important. But there are times when we want to be alone and need something to lean on. Or no one is there for us. We need to be connected to something greater than ourselves, something we can turn to no matter what, no matter when. Do you have your Post?


    What will Your Legacy be? Start today.

    Hard question: If today was your last day, what would people remember the most about you? What stories would they share about how you impacted the world? Not happy with the answer? Then what could you do today and every day to change that?

Together we can do this. We can be more empowered, resilient and happy.

We invite you to Get Ready For Grief today!

What are you waiting for?

Proactive Living Consultant

As a former Registered Nurse since 1988, Yvonne Heath has worked in the United States and Canada in emergency, intensive care, hospice, palliative care and over 15 years in cancer care. She has been at the bedside of many dying people, has witnessed traumas and tragedies, and has brushed herself off and returned the following day.

As she helped people navigate grief, transitions and loss, she was often experiencing her own challenges; divorce, moving several times, a miscarriage and the greatest challenge of all—a son battling addiction. Yvonne has known grief—personally and professionally. She also witnessed our grief-phobic society and how our reluctance to talk about, plan and prepare for grief death and dying causes excessive suffering in life and at the end of life. She suffered too, not knowing how to do it differently.

In 2015, she chose to blaze a new trail and became an award winning author, celebrated TEDx speaker and change maker. As a Proactive Living Consultant she teaches people how to prepare for grief, life’s challenges and transitions BEFORE they arrive and how they can to do it better next time.

With her 27 year nursing career, personal experiences and interviewing hundreds of professionals and community members for her book, television and radio programs in the fields of grief and mental health, she shares their tremendous wisdom and perspectives.

Yvonne has created the framework for you to live life to the fullest, learn to grieve and support others and have “The Talk” about end of life, long before it arrives and diffuse the fear. You will learn to be more empowered, resilient and happy—no matter what life throws at you!

Yvonne Heath